
“Annemieke is one of the brightest and most talented people I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Her understanding of people is outstanding and as a result her support and advice is always helpful and to the point. Above this all she is a warm personality with a good sense of humour. She has a deep and quick understanding of working-situations and can analyse effectively behaviour and interventions in organizations.”

Benjamin Konigel

Spare Parts Employee

“Annemieke heeft mij ontzettend geholpen te ontdekken welke studierichting het beste bij mij past. Door haar warme persoonlijkheid voelde ik me altijd erg welkom en begrepen. Annemieke heeft mij echt de helderheid kunnen verschaffen die nodig was en mij kunnen helpen in te zien waar ik van ga sprankelen. Dit alles samen heeft uiteindelijk geleid tot de perfecte studiekeuze!”

Sophie Haeger


“Annemieke bezit het unieke talent om jou op een natuurlijke wijze in je eigen kracht te zetten. Zij doet dat op een no-nonsense manier en is bovendien heel respectvol. Dat in combinatie met de psychologische test die zij voor mij heeft georganiseerd, heeft voor mij nieuwe wegen in mijn loopbaan gecreëerd.”

Lia Spaans-Dijkstra MBA

Ervaren subsidiemanager&Specialist in subsidieverantwoording

“Having never had gone through the process of using a mediator and coming from a background where mediation would not be a resource I would consider, I was naturally nervous about the process. It was obvious that Annemieke could recognise my apprehension and was able to put me at ease with her considered yet effective questioning. I was impressed and somewhat astounded that built up friction of more than four years were dissolved thanks to her careful insight and clarity of the issue in around 40 minutes. Not only was she able to create a mutual space for communication, she also looked beyond the mediation issues and allowed me to realise further reaching implications of my relationships within my family unit.”

Maggie Lamb

Science teacher British School

Annemieke Ederzeel served as mediator for a rather truculent and prolonged 3-year pattern of very difficult communication and relationship between my daughter-in-law and myself. Literally within the first hour of her meditation, Annemieke was able to create an atmosphere of openness and communication that allowed my daughter-in-law and me to see through our reciprocal misunderstandings and misinterpretations of each other. This completely changed how we now communicate and interact with each other, and that vast improvement has maintained itself for about the last six months (without showing any strains so far, even once).

There was nothing magical about what Annemieke did, but she was able to show great skill in guiding our talks together, keeping the atmosphere very benevolent, clear and open, all with a certain lightness and humor that also made it easier for the two of us (my daughter-in-law and me) to find common ground. As a psychologist, myself, I know that supporting this kind of process requires, on the part of a mediator, a lot of emotional intelligence, various therapeutic and communication skills, as well as the ability not to project one’s own needs into the conversation. In my opinion Annemieke was quite masterful on all accounts. Plus, at least in regard to our limited encounters, she is very likable.

Dr. Paul Grossman

Research Director, Department of Psychosomatics and Internal Medicine at the University Hospital in Basel, Switzerland